Saturday, July 24, 2010

So as I leave the world I have known and love sometimes I get a little depressed about it and maybe even a little negative. Sometimes I feel like my world is ending because I broke up with my boyfriend of almost 5 years and I thought we were going to be married and instead I am watching my best friend plan her wedding and calling her to come save me with kleenex and wine at midnight. Sometimes if I were to be completely negative I think that my world is ending while I watch hers begin.

OR I could choose to think of this experience as the chance to reinvent myself. As a chance to get rid of a guy who wasn't right for me. To see him for the man he is, which is a good man, but not the right man for me. It is a painful realization, but it is a truthful one. I am blessed to have had the experience with him that I had so that I can become the person I need to be in order to meet the man of my dreams. Will that be tomorrow? No, I think I already met him and he will find me when the time is right. But that is for another post.

In the mean time I have to go pack my shit and move across the country. There is no time for moping in this house.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Change is hard.


I found out two days ago that I got a full ride to the University of Kentucky for a PhD in Soil Science. I leave in two weeks. I found that out today. My life is a freaking tornado and I am just sitting in the vortex drooling. This song reminds me of a very special person that I am leaving behind. It breaks my heart and speaks to me all at the same time.
To know that I will be working towards my doctorate is to know that I am achieving a lifelong goal and I have no words to tell you how that makes me feel. I feel like the world is caving around me and that I am roping the moon at the same time. The quickness of it all is what is so terrifying. One moment I am making a new life in Southern California and two minutes later I am moving to the other side of the Country. Is it terrifying? Absolutely. Am I excited and honored at the opportunity? Oh yes, yes I am. Do I wish I could take my best friends and family with me? Absolutely. It is terrifying to think that I won't be back for three long years. This is the state I grew up in, but then again, this is going to a growing experience and the most amazing three years of my life.
I am going to be a Wildcat. I am going to be Dr. Ghezzi.

I am going to be a doctor!!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Flashback Heart Attacks

I went and watched this band play last night, they are called The Flashback Heart Attacks.

I love them. Any man who can pull off wearing a red leather suit is a man I can fall for! :D