Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wanna be the Kid Rock to my Sheryl Crow?

So last night I was getting ready to crawl into bed and pretend to sleep when my friend called me and asked if I wanted to go do karaoke.
So five minutes later I am in her car in full make up and a dress (I get ready really fast) and we are on our way to a gay bar for karaoke. I have never done karaoke at a gay bar, but it was AWESOME. Someone gave me red star shaped blinky glasses, which I wore all night. Then I drank about 700 too many beers and couldn't read the lyrics by the end of the night, made up my own songs and got hit on by a transvestite.

This means one of two things:

1) I look like a transvestite,
2) My dress was tucked into my underwear.

I'm not sure why number two applies. Anyways, the moral of this story is I'm awesome and you sooooo want to have a karaoke duet with me.

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