Friday, January 1, 2010

Stuffed Bell Peppers.

Well, it has been a while since I posted any here is what we made for dinner tonight. You can stuff bell peppers with a variety of things, but here is a really basic recipe to get you started.

I apologize in advance to my vegetarian readers. You know I love you, but I also have an unhealthy love for meat, so bear with me and imagine that I am using meat substitute.
First, you need to start some hamburger in a pan and between four and six minced garlic cloves. I love garlic, so I added six.

In another pan, start some sliced white onions.

Once they are almost carmalized add them to the hamburger meat.

Also, add a can of diced tomatoes and mix. Continue to cook on low until the meat is thoroughly cooked.

Now, most people use green bell peppers but I prefer the yellow or orange ones because they are sweeter. Cut the tops off and pull out the inards.

Use a knife to "detach" the inards.

Now take the thoroughly cooked meat and add spanish style rice to the mix. Mix well, then stuff the peppers with the mixture.

Bake at 350 degrees Fehrenheit for 30 minutes.
When you only have 2 minutes left, put shredded colby jack cheese on top to melt.

Now, enjoy yourself. :)

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