Saturday, October 3, 2009

Why I love her.

I left the following comment on my best friends blog today, and I loved it so much that I decided to share it with everyone:

"I've come to realize how much I love your influence on me. For example, I bought a flannel shirt. I get excited over earthy pottery, I've environmentally aware and -GASP- I am excited for Fall. I found myself looking at fall decorations today - AND WANTING THEM. I almost bought pumpkin flavored smear for a pumpkin flavored bagel, but alas, I needed my dependable blueberry bagel and smear. Haha. Smear. SMEAR SMEAR SMEAR. Sorry. Anyways...somethings will never change, but I love the parts of me that do :D:D.

Wish my phone wasn't dead so I could send you a pic of my outfit: black and gray plaid tights, red dress, red and black flannel shirt, awesome gladiator like belt, and my hair is in messy pigtails.

I am such a rock goddess who eats tomato sandwiches on potato pepper bagels.

Miss you more than butter!"

So "Miss Rack Booty" I just wanted to let you know how much you mean-eth to me-eth by making you-eth this blog post-eth. :D:D:D:D